It would be very helpful to any brilliant kid who is unable to pay school fees, if any person can contribute for fees it can be blissful for that child’s bright future. Fees donation to needful will be money spend on good cause.
Children in many government schools don’t have bags to carry their books and use polythene instead, donating them new school bags or used one will be helpful to them to carry their belongings to school. You can also donate combo of Bag, Lunchbox & Water Bottle.
Stationaries like pencil, pen, sharpener, eraser, scale and art stationary like scissors, glue, craft papers, tapes can be helpful for kids in need.
Once you are done with your yearly studies, you can give your used books to any child in need, even your notes can be helpful to next generation. You can also donate new books and notebooks to all children in need.
You can donate your old or new cycles to kids in slums as they will never be able to buy for their kids.
6)Kids who studies at aanganwadi are from slums or under privileged families, seeing and been able to play with different toys in school will bring joy to them. Your donated Toys will be path of playful learning experience to those kids.